How long would it take to walk across the world’s most populous country? Graham Earnshaw is finding out. The long-time Hong Kong and China journalist is making a journey into China’s heartland, away from its surging coastal cities, where the ripples of prosperity are only just beginning to be felt and many find themselves left behind. Through his conversations with the people he meets along the way — never backing away from sensitive or uncomfortable topics — the Chinese-speaking Earnshaw paints a portrait of a nation struggling to come to terms with its newfound identity and its place in the world. Come and hear the story of his new book, The Great Walk of China.

“An on-the-ground portrait of what China is really like, away from the bright lights of Shanghai and Beijing. Engagingly written, it stands out in the fast-growing stock of writing about a country that is still too little understood,” says Jonathan Fenby, author of The Penguin History of Modern China.

Join us on Monday May 3rd, 5:30pm, at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Central. More details at the FCC website.

Update: You can listen to this event thanks to Matt Driskill’s podcast. Graham’s radio interview on the same day is listenable online at RTHK, about 30 minutes in.