Muhammad Cohen’s Hong Kong On Air is now available in the US, and it’s caught the attention of New Yorker Tracy Quan — author of Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl — who says:

“In this irreverent comic novel, The World of Suzie Wong meets CNBC’s Squawk Box, and sweatshop lingerie proves a harsh mistress. Hong Kong On Air is a multicultural comedy of manners, a witty, gritty backstage look at intersecting worlds during extraordinary times that all can relate to, no matter where we live.”

The recent notoriety of Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has prompted a deluge of similar manuscripts through our door — okay, six — and Quan has an angle on Tiger Moms too; read her latest column here.

“In this irreverent comic novel, The World of Suzie Wong meets CNBC’s Squawk Box, and sweatshop lingerie proves a harsh mistress. Hong Kong On Air is a multicultural comedy of manners, a witty, gritty backstage look at intersecting worlds during extraordinary times that all can relate to, no matter wher“In this irreverent comic novel, The World of Suzie Wong meets CNBC’s Squawk Box, and sweatshop lingerie proves a harsh mistress. Hong Kong On Air is a multicultural comedy of manners, a witty, gritty backstage look at intersecting worlds during extraordinary times that all can relate to, no matter where we livee we live