From the South China Morning Post Lai See column:

A flyer came across our desk yesterday inviting us to a booksigning event featuring John Hung’s book Master of None, How a Hong Kong High- Flyer Overcame the Devastating Experience of Imprisonment.

Hung, it will be recalled, not so long ago stepped out of Stanley Prison after a 16-month sojourn for “assisting” someone to attain membership in the hallowed portals of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, apparently for a fee. The 73-year-old former chairman of Wheelock Marden has made a virtue out of necessity and used his enforced leisure time to produce an autobiography. As the publisher’s blurb says, “Does a man need a stint in jail to complete his life experiences? … The story tracks the richness of his mixed-race heritage and upbringing, his steady rise and precipitous fall from the pinnacles of corporate Hong Kong to the life-destroying court case and heartbreaking incarceration.”

One of our more cynical readers has responded that it was a pity this did not appear a month ago and we would then have had the perfect answer to the age-old question, “What do you get for Christmas for the man who had everything?” Answer, a stint in Stanley Prison.