24 January 2011

Book excerpt: With Bare Hands by Alain Robert

2016-11-24T01:14:26+08:00January 24th, 2011|authors, book excerpt, events|0 Comments

Extreme urban climber Alain Robert is in Hong Kong this week to give a talk at the Royal Geographical Society (6:30pm, Tuesday Jan 25th, details at the link). This reminds me to post an excerpt from his hair-raising autobiography With Bare Hands. Alain has made a career out of thumbing his nose at the authorities and doing what people tell [...]

21 June 2010

Wordjazz for Stevie — “maybe the most moving story you will ever read”

2022-11-07T00:25:20+08:00June 21st, 2010|authors, media attention, new books|0 Comments

In 1986, Jonathan Chamberlain and his wife Bernadette had their first child, Stevie, a daughter. Stevie was immediately diagnosed with Down’s syndrome. A few months later it became clear that she had a serious heart defect that required a ‘hole in the heart’ operation. Something went wrong during the operation and Stevie suffered a momentary lack of oxygen that left [...]