22 March 2012

A story of Fries and Mayo

2016-11-24T01:14:19+08:00March 22nd, 2012|book excerpt, china|1 Comment

A guest blog post from business veteran Jack Leblanc, whose entertaining book Business Republic of China is now available on Kindle, Nook and other e-readers! *   *   * Once upon a time Mr. Mayo, a smart businessman who headed a three-generation-old European company producing deep-frozen French Fries and other iced delicacies, decided that the time was ripe to head for [...]

11 May 2009

Monthly book giveaway — May

2016-11-24T01:14:47+08:00May 11th, 2009|book giveaway, china|0 Comments

Beijing-based dealmaker Jack Leblanc's book Business Republic of China has just been reviewed by the South China Morning Post: It has been just under 20 years since Belgian Jack Leblanc heeded a call to go to China and arrived in Chongqing with a suitcase of science books to teach at a university. The freshly minted nuclear physics graduate had abandoned [...]