Cindy Miller Stephens has lived in Hong Kong for 16 years. Cindy was born in Miami, Florida, and moved to Paris, France as a child. She travelled Europe widely, and lived between France and the U.S. before enrolling in high school in Minnesota. She later graduated from Colgate University and moved to New York City in the late 1980s where she pursued a career as a country music recording artist. She moved to Hong Kong in 1996 with her husband Chris and had three children, Lara, Hailey and Audrey.

Beyond raising a family, Cindy earned her Hong Kong corporate real estate licence and worked as a relocation agent, advising clients on living in and relocating to Hong Kong. Cindy spent a number of years meticulously documenting information on parks, museums, beaches, markets, hikes and other venues and activities throughout Hong Kong. She has always enjoyed referring friends and business acquaintances to unusual or far-flung outings to enjoy with their children. After being encouraged by a publisher to compile all of her information into a book she started the long process in 2003. The result was Hong Kong for Kids, first published in 2004.

Cindy hopes that her book will be a tool to get your family out there, enjoying all that Hong Kong has to offer. If you have ideas you would like to share about places to take kids in Hong Kong, she would love to hear from you.