The mission of PEN Hong Kong is to bring together writers, editors, publishers, booksellers, translators, journalists, academics and others working in the field of the written word to celebrate and promote literature and creative expression. We are focused on defending freedom of expression in Hong Kong and the rest of China and shall join our counterparts in PEN International as advocates for freedom of expression worldwide.

香港筆會旨在結集一眾文字創作界人士,包括作者、編輯、出版人、書商、翻譯員、記者及學者,攜手推廣文學及創新表達方式。我們將致力捍衛香港本地以至中國內地的創作自由,並與其他國際筆會(PEN International)的成員積極合作,一同推動全球言論自由的發展。