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  • The Crocodile who Wanted to be Famous

    • USD: US$12.80
    • CNY: CN¥92.70
    • GBP: £10.02
    • EUR: €11.78
    • AUD: AU$19.24
    • CAD: CA$17.46
    • JPY: ¥2,012

    Illustrated by Mariko Jesse, translated by Liang Yue

    Published by Sixth Finger Press, distributed by Blacksmith Books

    A television-loving crocodile named Crafty swims from his riverside village to find fame in the big city. His arrival is front-page news all around the world! But once there, he begins to question what he really wants.

    Inspired by the real-life saltwater crocodile that visited Hong Kong, The Crocodile who Wanted to be Famous blends fact, fiction and fable – a genuine classic in the making.