An American Woman’s Story of Coming of Age in Hong Kong

n 2010, bookish 22-year-old Shannon follows her Eurasian boyfriend to Hong Kong, eager to forge a new love story in his hometown. But when work sends him to London a month later, Shannon embarks on a wide-eyed newcomer’s journey through Hong Kong – alone.

She teaches in a local school as the only foreigner, explores Asia with other young expats and discovers family history in Hong Kong, all while trying to hold on to her thwarted romance. The city enchants her, forcing her to question her plans. Soon, she must make a choice between her new life and the love that first brought her to Asia.

Year of Fire Dragons is not only a riveting coming of age story, but also a testament to the distance people will travel for love. Shannon Young is the voice of the millennial generation and anyone who has ever built a new life abroad.” – Susan Blumberg-Kason, author of Good Chinese Wife

Year of Fire Dragons evokes all of the wonder of being in love as a young expat while capturing the true romance of Hong Kong. As you delight in Shannon Young’s deftly written coming-of-age story, you might just find yourself falling for this fiery city where East meets West.” – Jocelyn Eikenburg, Speaking of China

“Life’s twists and turns are like the tail of a dragon, but this intrepid American Millennial holds on tight to her dreams to carve out her place (creatively, financially and romantically) in Hong Kong — a world far from home. Shannon Young’s delightful memoir shows us that true discoveries are made when we let go of who we think we are and embrace who we might become.” – Leza Lowitz, author of Here Comes The Sun: A Yogi’s Journey of Adapting and Adopting in Japan

Shannon launched her book at the Hong Kong International Literary Festival last week. Read excerpts by clicking here!